Fun insightfull cool and many more good verbs i cant remember
Lennyz's Articles
July 30, 2004 by Lennyz
Ok i finally got my blog working i would like to thank my parents inetercomscopethingie my componie i just made up and oh ya ben who actually was the one who figured it out. and now with out further adure i give you Lennyz Blog page thinngie (angelic singing followed by you finding enlightenment in the recesses of my amazing blog.)
July 30, 2004 by Lennyz
Ok i finally got my blog working i would like to thank my parents inetercomscopethingie my componie i just made up and oh ya ben who actually was the one who figured it out. and now with out further adure i give you Lennyz Blog page thinngie (angelic singing followed by you finding enlightenment in the recesses of my amazing blog.)